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What is share of wallet (SOW)?

By: Chris Danese, Alejandra Plazas and Czaee Shefali Kolekar

Published: June 20, 2024 | Updated: June 20, 2024

Read time: 6 minutes

Share of wallet (SOW) quantifies how much of a customer’s spending a company captures within a specific category or market. Unlike market share, which provides insights into a company's dominance within a broader industry, share of wallet zooms in on the individual customer level. This vital metric is a powerful indicator of the depth of the relationship between a company and its customers.

That's because share of wallet reflects the percentage of a customer's available budget allocated to a particular brand or business. For instance, if a consumer typically spends $300 per month on dining and $120 of that amount is spent at a specific restaurant chain, then that chain holds a share of wallet of 40% for that individual, in the dining category.

Share of wallet is not limited to a single transaction or purchase. Rather, it encompasses the entire spectrum of a customer's spending habits within a designated market. This holistic perspective enables companies to gain valuable insights into their customers' preferences, behaviors and purchasing patterns.

By understanding share of wallet, businesses can tailor:

  • marketing strategies
  • product offerings
  • customer experiences 

The outcome can deepen relationships, increase customer loyalty and ultimately, drive revenue growth.

Wallet share vs. market share

While share of wallet and market share are related concepts, they address different aspects of business performance and customer behavior.

Market share represents the proportion of total sales within a specific industry or market that is captured by a particular company. It serves as a benchmark for assessing a company's competitive position relative to its peers. For example, if a company generates sales worth $5 million within a market worth $10 million, its market share would be 50%.

Share of wallet, however, delves deeper into the individual customer's spending habits and preferences within a particular category or market segment. It measures the percentage of a customer's total budget allocated to a specific brand or business within that category. 

While market share provides insights into a company's overall competitive standing within the industry, share of wallet offers a more granular view of the depth and strength of the relationship between a company and its customers. Understanding both metrics is essential for devising comprehensive business strategies that drive sustained growth and profitability.

Expanding on these foundational concepts about share of wallet and distinguishing them from market share lays a robust foundation for businesses to delve deeper into customer-centric strategies and optimize their revenue streams effectively.


Why is wallet share important?

Share of wallet goes beyond mere revenue numbers; it serves as a barometer of customer loyalty, competitive positioning and revenue growth. That's because increased share of wallet leads to higher revenue through repeat purchases, cross-selling and market share gains. 

By analyzing share of wallet, businesses can make informed strategic decisions, mitigate risks and gain a holistic understanding of customer behavior and preferences.

  • Customer retention and loyalty: A higher share of wallet indicates a stronger relationship between the customer and the business, leading to increased customer loyalty and reduced churn rates.
  • Customer lifetime value: Share of wallet contributes to the calculation of customer lifetime value. Understanding how much of a customer's spending a company captures over time is essential for accurately assessing the long-term value of each customer to the business.
  • Revenue growth: By maximizing share of wallet, businesses can increase revenue without necessarily acquiring new customers. This is particularly valuable in mature or saturated markets where customer acquisition costs are high.
  • Competitive advantage: Businesses with a higher share of wallet are better positioned to withstand competitive pressures and market fluctuations. They have a more significant influence on customer purchasing decisions and are less vulnerable to competitor actions.
  • Insights for marketing and product development: Understanding share of wallet provides valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors and spending patterns. It enables companies to tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings more effectively.
Make more informed business decisions using market intelligence that measures in-store and online retail sales.

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How to calculate share of wallet

Calculating share of wallet involves determining the percentage of a customer's total spending that goes to a specific company.

It is typically calculated by dividing the total amount a customer spends with a particular company or brand by the total amount the customer spends in the relevant product category or market. Here's the formula:

Share of Wallet (%) = (Total Spending with Company)/(Total Spending in Category) x 100


How to increase your wallet share

Designing and implementing a plan to maximize wallet share is a multi-step process. Here’s how to get started.

What to focus on first

Before aiming to increase share of wallet, it's crucial for businesses to understand their customer base. Conducting comprehensive market research and analyzing customer data is a first step to identify opportunities for upselling, cross-selling and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. 

With a clear understanding of customers and their needs, businesses can design and implement initiatives aimed at maximizing share of wallet.

Here are 7 strategies to increase share of wallet:

  1. Enhancing customer experience: Today's customers value personalized interactions, seamless transactions and outstanding service. Delivering exceptional customer experiences and prioritizing the customer experience across all touchpoints is one of the best ways to increase share of wallet. By fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases, businesses can drive up their share of wallet.
  2. Leveraging data for personalization: Data analytics plays a critical role in crafting personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with individual customers. By leveraging insights derived from permissioned customer data and segmentation, businesses can tailor their offerings, promotions and pricing strategies to match specific preferences and behaviors. This focused approach not only increases share of wallet but strengthens customer relationships.
  3. Devising loyalty programs: Loyalty programs incentivize higher spending and drive repeat purchases. Offering rewards, exclusive benefits and engaging experiences can encourage customers to consolidate more of their spending with their brand. Loyalty programs not only increase share of wallet but also foster emotional connections with customers, enhancing long-term loyalty.
  4. Cross-selling and upselling: Effective upselling and cross-selling techniques can significantly boost share of wallet. When businesses identify opportunities to offer complementary products or upgrades, they can enhance the value of the customer's purchase. This could involve suggesting premium versions of products, add-on services, or related items that align with their interests. By strategically presenting these options during the buying process, businesses can increase the overall transaction size and customer satisfaction simultaneously.
  5. Expanding product assortment: In addition to cross-selling and upselling, businesses can consider diversifying product offerings and introducing value-added services to capture more spending from customers. Expanding assortments to cater to a broader range of needs within the category can increase business relevance and share of customer spending. Value-added services provide additional benefits that incentivize customers to spend more with a particular brand.
  6. Continuous engagement and communication: Staying top-of-mind with customers through consistent engagement and communication across various channels is an effective way to increase share of wallet. Social media, email marketing, blogs and other platforms are valuable for sharing content, promotions and updates. Regular communication helps nurture relationships, reinforce brand awareness and encourage repeat purchases. What’s more, leveraging automation tools and customer relationship management (CRM) systems can streamline communication processes and personalize interactions at scale.
  7. Integrating a feedback loop: Establishing a robust feedback loop can help businesses understand customer preferences and identify areas for improvement. Feedback mechanisms such as surveys, reviews and direct communication channels help gather insights directly from customers. Businesses that encourage customers to provide feedback after a purchase, interaction with customer support, or engagement with marketing campaigns can use the feedback to enhance the overall customer experience.

By adopting these nuanced strategies and continuously refining their implementation based on customer feedback and market dynamics, businesses can drive sustainable growth and establish themselves as industry leaders. Ultimately, increasing share of wallet is not just about capturing more revenue; it's about building enduring relationships with customers.

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